GCNN Events & Workshops

A central program of the Garden Conservancy Northwest Network are spring and fall in-person, all-day workshops. Each workshop is tailored to the needs of member organizations and is hosted by a different member organization. Fall and Spring workshops are open to members and non-members. 

GCNN members have exclusive access to virtual events. Virtual Coffee Hours provide members a forum for resource sharing and roundtable discussions to share the successes, opportunities, and challenges at their gardens. Virtual Lunch & Learns are facilitated by garden leaders and relevant non-profit professionals that feature 45-minute, topic-specific presentations followed by a question/answer session.

2024 Events Schedule:
January 11, 2024: Virtual Coffee Hour & Steering Committee Meeting
March 20, 2024: Virtual Lunch & Learn
May 2, 2024: Spring Workshop
August 14, 2024: Virtual Coffee Hour
September 26, 2024: Virtual Lunch & Learn
October 23, 2024: Fall Workshop 


Previous Workshops:

Spring 2024 WorkshopCivic Engagement to Strengthen & Support Public Gardens

Fall 2023 WorkshopStrengthening Your Board and Succession Planning

Spring 2023 Workshop, Creating Mission-Focused & Community-Centered Programming

Fall 2022 WorkshopMeaningful Volunteer Engagement

Fall 2021 Webinar, Tales From the Road: Taking Inspiration from Leading Botanic Gardens

Spring 2021 WebinarPreventing Professional Burnout – Real Tools for Your Juggling Act

Fall 2020 Virtual Workshop, Master Planning for Public Gardens

Summer 2020 Webinar, Membership Program Techniques and Models

Fall 2019 Workshop, Developing a Revenue Stream Through Mission-Based Programming

Spring 2019 Workshop, Computer Technology for Your Organization

Fall 2018 Workshop, Garden Documentation

Spring 2018 Workshop, The Value of Public Gardens in the Pacific Northwest

Fall 2017 Workshop, Succession Planning

Spring 2017 Workshop, Effective Grant Writing for Your Organization


Tales From the Road

Taking Inspiration from Leading Botanic Gardens
Fall 2021 Webinar
with Jason Morse, Arboretum Foundation

Watch the webinar