SummerHome Garden

Denver, CO
Alpine/rock garden, Dry/xeriscape, Garden structure/sculpture, Organic/toxin-free, Substantial native plants, Water feature


Summerhome is also hosting a Digging Deeper on this date: SummerHome’s Path to a Wilder Denver

SummerHome, an inner-city xeric pocket garden, is built on a residential lot that previously had an uninhabitable house. The intentions of the garden are to instruct and advise gardeners on the use of xeric/endemic plantings, create a community garden and gathering place for all to enjoy, and deter the overdevelopment occurring in the neighborhood. Plantings center around commercially available species of low-water plants with a rolling bloom from February to October. Pathways, fountains, and art greet visitors as they stroll through the garden. In the back corner, a large crevice garden made of Colorado buff sandstone slabs highlights cold-hardy cactus and succulents from around the world. Trees and shrubs, including 'Sucker Punch' chokecherry, red buds, sumacs, chokeberry, and atriplex, present the canvas for the lesser sized agastache, salvias, goldenrod, rabbit brush, Apache plume, and many others. Thousands of bulbs begin the season in February, including alliums, tulips, fritillaria, anemones, and foxtails. Habitat for pollinators is provided with open areas and solitary bee hotels.

This garden's estimated size is just about ⅕ acre.

Open Days 2024:  Saturday, July 13
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • This garden allows photography
  • Partial wheelchair access
  • Nature friendly f372a65207813459a0d18d2caa5c1eece145dbb205535bacd45d09e443889605Nature-friendly

Register Now
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
$10.00 (Non-members)
$5.00 (Members)

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SummerHome Garden
Denver, Denver County, CO, 80209
Exact addresses and host-provided directions appear on e-tickets after purchase.

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