Poke Gardens

Poke Gardens

Marshall, VA
Fruit/vegetables, Garden structure/sculpture, Organic/toxin-free, Scenic view, Water feature, Woodland/shade garden

Poke Gardens is situated on 9 acres just outside Marshall, Virginia. The gardens began almost 30 years ago with a small vegetable garden at the bottom of a hill below a shady house in the woods. The sloping site seemed to suggest a series of terraces falling to the east and south and the gardens evolved in through the years with that idea in mind. The kitchen garden is just above the main property gates and supplies the house all summer.

The garden gates at a tool shed just across the drive from the vegetable garden lead to the main garden which is a series of “rooms” loosely defined by color. First is a hydrangea hill with over 40 varieties then a double shady border leaning toward blues silvers and yellows. There are steps up to a pavilion with a garden of deep shade plants. The end of the “Blue Garden” is now dominated by a mature contorted Mulberry ‘Unryu’- “Dragon in the Clouds”. at the end of the gravel path is another pavilion overlooking the valley toward the Bull Run Mountains or looking across the lower garden toward the pool terrace and house.

The winding path is broken by grass lawns steps and bridges crossing a water feature that spills from the pump house into a tank then into a winding stream. The first area is built of hedges of old peony varieties (some from my grandmother’s garden) on one side and mixed pink leaning perennials on the other. The next terrace with a squire lawn is mostly planted primarily for the high summer garden. The course through the gardens over bridges and boardwalks and through woods finally reaches a pond garden.

The path continues back up the hill passing the Sylvan Theatre, up rustic steps to a circular fern garden with an obelisk folly in its center. The existing woods of hickory, chestnut, oak, and tulip poplar are planted deeply with azaleas in drifts of white and pink with deeper more jewel like colors at the far end of the woods.

It is a garden to wander and explore, to find places to sit in the shade and discover the interior views and those borrowed from the beautiful Piedmont of Virginia.

This garden’s estimated size is 5 acres.

Open Days 2024:  Sunday, October 6
Hours: Three Sessions: 10–12, 12–2, 2–4

Tickets for this Open Day will be available on Thursday, August 1.

  • New 2f41bc3dbc0fde770515d2030fc6561cd80051035879a6f5ef41cbb2a9d59670New garden or feature
  • This garden allows photography
  • Nature friendly f372a65207813459a0d18d2caa5c1eece145dbb205535bacd45d09e443889605Nature-friendly

Poke Gardens
Marshall, Fauquier County, VA, 20115

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