Frances Palmer's Garden

Weston, CT

Adjacent to Frances Palmer's pottery studio is her large cutting garden, which supplies myriad blooms from early spring through frost. Frances grows "Alice in Wonderland flowers." They inspire her ceramics and photography. Her garden is especially known for its dahlias; she plants more than 100 different shapes-from the smallest "pom" to the largest dinner plate varieties. Colors and textures abound, dahlias interweave with tomatoes, zinnias, amaranth, sunflowers, and herbs. September is the height of the garden's abundance.  Please note: there are three active bee hives on the property.

The pottery studio is not open during the Open Day.

Open Days 2024: Saturday, September 14
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • This garden allows photography
  • Nature friendly f372a65207813459a0d18d2caa5c1eece145dbb205535bacd45d09e443889605Nature-friendly

Register Now
10 p.m. to 4 p.m.
$10.00 (Non-members)
$5.00 (Members)

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Frances Palmer's Garden
Weston, Fairfield County, CT, 06883
Exact addresses and host-provided directions appear on e-tickets after purchase.

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