Van Vleck House & Gardens
Montclair, NJ

Three generations of Van Vlecks, a family of architects, built this beautifully proportioned suburban Italianate villa in Montclair, NJ, that features stunning collections of rhododendrons, azaleas, and other broad-leaved evergreens. We assisted the Montclair Foundation, current owners of Van Vleck House & Gardens, in the rehabilitation and management of the garden to continue the Van Vleck family’s commitment to community, education, and horticultural excellence.
Van Vleck House & Gardens is a private estate for the Van Vleck family through three generations.1916
The main house, recalling the classic architectural style of a Mediterranean villa, is designed and built by Joseph Van Vleck, Jr.1939
Howard Van Vleck plants a Chinese wisteria that still exists and Howard Van Vleck begins work on hybrids of rhododendrons, several of which are registered and named for members of the Van Vleck family.1993
Van Vleck heirs donate their home and gardens to the Montclair Foundation. The house is renovated and becomes a self-supporting, non-profit center.1997
Established as preservation garden of the Conservancy.1999
The Friends of Van Vleck Gardens is formed to help support the general operating cost of maintaining the gardens.2003
Sonia Uyterhoeven, a Garden Conservancy Marco Polo Stufano Fellow, renovates the formal gardens and documents the history of the gardens.2006
A violent storm destroys the northeast corner of the garden, including historic rhododendrons, other shrubs and smaller plants, and a 100-year old tree.2008
Restoration of the northeast corner is completed. A master plan for the gardens outlines the creation of new garden spaces for the property.2013
5-year capital campaign successfully completed.Stay Up To Date
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