Garden of Matt Mattus and Joe Philip

Worcester, MA

Matt's garden is a mature, third- generation family property in a suburban neighborhood. It contains many tall trees (now more than 90 feet tall) planted in the 1920s by his grandfather and father. "The garden is an ongoing restoration project" says Matt. "I've never opened it up for tours as I've always believed that it was more of a small collector's garden than one that is 'tour-worthy', yet I know that most visitors enjoy the casual atmosphere, and the 'down the rabbit hole-ness' of a true collector's garden!" Expect to see collections of interesting plants and greenhouse projects, sweet peas, stone and gravel paths, boxwood and hornbeam hedges, garden rooms, and even a small 100-year-old goldfish pond. Charming and picturesque as a small English garden and as horticulturally interesting as a botanic garden, this 1.5 acres is essentially a home garden, yet one that has recently been featured in Martha Stewart Living, Better Homes and Gardens, and other magazines. Matt Mattus, whose blog is, is the author of Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening (2019) and Mastering the Art of Growing Flowers (2020).

Open Days 2024:  Saturday, May 11
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  • This garden allows photography
  • Partial wheelchair access

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